Thursday, 10 September 2015

David Shulick : The Strategy of American Inns of Court

As David Shulick was an active participant In the Temple Inn of Court, he garnered the same benefits of mentorship, networking connections and more that are offered by being involved with the American Inns of Court. Below is an excerpt from the American Inns of Court’s website which explains what they are all about and how they organize regional teams for their nationwide organization:

“Membership is divided into "pupillage teams," with each team consisting of a few members from each membership category depending on the members' level of experience. Each pupillage team conducts one program for the Inn each year. Pupillage team members gather informally outside of monthly meetings in groups of two or more. This allows the less-experienced attorneys to become more effective advocates and counselors by learning from the more-experienced attorneys and judges.

In this collegial environment, outside the courtroom and pressure of daily practice, members discuss legal practice, principles, and methods. Academicians, specialized practitioners, and complementing generalists provide a mix of skill, theory, experience, and passion. This fluid, side-by-side approach allows seasoned judges and attorneys to help shape students and newer lawyers with practical guidance in serving the law and seeking justice.”

David Shulick is now a successful civic litigation attorney who now works in class action suits, malpractice suits, fraud claims and other such matters on the corporate scale.

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